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Envico have a vision of bringing kiwi ba

About Us

Our Mission

We bring the power of technology to the conservation and land management sectors,

to enable greater outcomes to be achieved.

Envico brand icon -  yellow low transparency.png

Awards & Recognition

Hi-Tch awards 2024 - Envico announced as winner.jpg
Envico Wins Asia-Pacific Gold Stevie Award for Innovative Drone Baiting Technology for Rat

Who We Work With

Callaghan-Innovation Logo (1)_edited.png
PF2050 Logo.png
From Ospri - logo - OSPRI_RGB_SCREEN_POS.jpg
Preferred - Te Uru Rakau - NZ Forest Service Logo Forestry Green Logo.jpg
Bird Life International logo - only for Fieldays- Birdlife-colour.jpg

Our Story

We began from very humble beginnings, with two innovators developing drone technologies in their Auckland garage in New Zealand. 


When our co-founders Cameron Baker and Samuel Vye found themselves spearheading an aerial baiting project in the Galapagos, they carved a valuable niche for the company. That initial project evolved into the world’s first successful eradication of invasive rat species using drones, enabling protection of threatened native seabird species. 


The project gained global recognition and support from the likes of film star and producer Leonardo DiCaprio. People couldn’t believe we were building these drones in a garage back in Auckland.


From those small beginnings, we have become the global leader in aerial drone baiting and are the first to offer a full technology ecosystem for the conservation sector. We now offer solutions and expert advice for pest eradication, defence of precious wildlife, and native fauna regeneration and afforestation.


Market demand drives our innovation focus, and our Maori values, including kaitiakitangi (the belief that we are all guardians and protectors of the environment) underpin how we approach our work.


We dream that one day New Zealand's treasured national icon, the kiwi bird, will be safe to join us in our back yards once again.

Cameron Baker - CEO and Co-founder of multi award winning conservation technology startup,

Cameron Baker

Envico CEO & Co-founder

Native forest and bird icon strip.webp

Our Values


We love what we do and why we do it.


We have the courage to shape a better future.


We are committed in every project we undertake.


We are pioneers of our industry.

Solutions Focused

We make things happen.


We respect people and value the environment.

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